Donna Zils Banfield Demonstrates at July Meeting!

  • 21 Jul 2022
  • 6:30 PM
  • Wild Lilac and by Zoom

Donna writes: "Almost everything I create starts with a  block of wood on a lathe.  Most of it is green, starting with logs.  I use a sawmill  to cut the logs into manageable sizes, lengths  and weight.   Once inside my studio, I use the lathe  to create my form, or my wood canvas upon which I cut, carve, texture, pyro-engrave and paint.   The final object takes on a new identity.  Without close observation, you might never know it was wood."

"My creations today are a reflection of my life. I live a life less ordinary, as do the trees with which I began.  Most of the wood that I harvest comes from trees that have fallen during storms or were subject to insect damage or urban development. I take what would have been the end of a majestic life in its natural state and give it new life – a life less ordinary."

Donna received her first lathe and turning tools from her husband in 2001.  In 2003 she closed her private law practice to turn full time.  She will be demonstrating at the AAW Symposium this year in Chattanooga.  You can see more of her work at her at her aptly named website:

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